Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Chapter 2. Understanding Functions and Operations of Various Information and Comunication Technology Devices

A. Multiple Choice

  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. B
  5. E
  6. E
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C
1. The letter W is represented by the number code 87
2. a. Control Unit is to translate commands or instruction in a series and then to the entire computer parts. This part is how the processor controls the entire computer operation
    b. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is to process data by adding, substracting, comparing and using logical formulas.
    c. Memory is to collact or to store data to run an application program. the capability depends on the memory capacity, which is started in Byte, KByte, MByte ang GByte unit.
3. ROM (Random Access Memory) is to save computer operation program, such as BIOS and booting.
4. Ethernet, Arcnet and Token Ring.
5. a. Thin Ethernet (Thinnet)
    b. Thick Ethernet (Thicknet)
    c. Twisted Pair Ethernet
    d. Fiber Optic

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Latihan Membuat File.GIF

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya bisa juga membuat file berekstensi.GIF.
Caranya :

  1. Sekedar contoh kita akan mengcapture gambar di layar dekstop.
  2. Tekan tombol Print Screen 1x saja yang ada di keyboard
  3. Buka program Paint yakni Start > All Progams > Accessories > Paint.
  4. Silahkan pilih Edit > Paste > Save As.
  5. Pada File Name : Misalnya diberi nama Capture Gambar Via Print Screen.
  6. Save As type, pilihlah ekstensi.GIF.
  7. Biar aman jangan langsung di save namun di drive kelas X - C.
  8. Lalu browse folders, click tulisan Computer > X - C > New Folder > New Folder Name >
  9. Lalu diberi nama sesuai keinginan anda yang mudah diingat > Open > Save.
  10. Selanjutnya bisa di upload ke blogspot anda sesuai prosedurnya.
  11. Agar file gambarnya  mudah dan cepat di upload

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Chapter 1. Basic Operating System

answer ICT paket, page 25

A. Multiple choice

  1. a
  2. a
  3. e
  4. c
  5. a
  6. c
  7. d
  8. c
  9. a
  10. b
B. Essay
  1. To turn on a computer : connect the power cord to the network, then press power button on the casing and on the monitor.
  2. Reset button is only used if the computer crashes or hangs.
  3. To open an application on Windows Vista, we can do it either by double clicking the shortcut on the dekstop or from the Start Menu. We can also do it via the related document files.
  4. Office suite is word processor is software for documenting letters, books, thesis, reports, etc.
  5. Are notepad, wordpad, paint, web browser, multimedia, etc